Here you will learn how to connect your existing account with Rachio Sprinkler Controllers.
Log in to the customer app.
In the Irrigation card, tap Connect to account.
Irrigation card.png
Enter your Rachio app credentials, then tap Allow Access if asked.
Wait for the controller to load. The Irrigation card will automatically refresh after authorization is complete.
View and control Irrigation on the app
It is required to use the app to view Irrigation details. Irrigation is not yet available on the Customer Website.
Irrigation card
The Irrigation card displays the current status of your Rachio controller, whether it is currently in use or when it was last in use. It also displays if the controller is in Rain Delay or Standby mode.
Note: The location of the Irrigation card varies based on enrolled equipment and home screen preferences.
Note: Last Watered displays the last zone watered, regardless of whether it was watered through a schedule or manually.
Irrigation features
Set Rachio to Standby or Rain Delay.
Start watering an individual zone, all zones, or run a schedule.
View the last time each zone was watered.
Tips for use
It is not possible to interact with a zone or schedule while watering. Tap Stop Watering before making changes.
To water zones that are not in a schedule, tap Water All Zones and deselect zones as desired.
Schedule names are visible in the app, but the zones and duration are only available in the Rachio app. Use the Rachio app to give each schedule a descriptive name for easy reference from the app.
When adding Rachio and Rain Bird systems to the same account, Rachio must be added first.
To change zone names, use the devices page on the Customer Website.