Why is my Lyric Controller Keypad Locked Out

The Honeywell Lyric Controller has a keypad lockout feature and this could be the reason why you are locked out of your Lyric keypad. This Lyric controller keypad feature is always enabled and works when a user presses 30 numeric keys (0-9) within a 15-minute window and a valid command is not executed, the Lyric controller stops processing additional numeric key presses for 15 minutes. Any numerical key press during the lockout generates a long beep. A “Wrong Code Entry” event is entered into the Event Log should 30 numeric keys be pressed without a valid command.

When a 15-minute lockout window occurs, a message Event 461 Wrong Code Entry is transmitted to the central station and entered into the events log.

*When the 15-minute lockout window expires, a Restore message is sent to the Central Station and entered into the Event Log.

• RF Key Fobs will work during a keypad lockout, Duress will not operate during a lockout. 
