Can I Automatically Program a Honeywell SiXFOB

Yes, the Honeywell SiXFOB is able to be programmed automatically. Once you have entered the key programming menu in the Honeywell Lyric Controller and its ready to receive the SiXFOB information press the top two buttons together for about two seconds this will cause the SiXFOB to enroll with the controller. Lastly, press the top two buttons again to complete the auto programming feature.

The SixFob is meant for use with Honeywell controls that support SiX series devices such as, the Lyric Controller. The Honeywell SiXFOB can have up to 8 separate functions on up to 4 multi-button functions.

 Once the SiXFOB has been programmed into the Honeywell Lyric controller it cannot be used with another controller until it has been deleted first due to the Lyric Lock features. Each Device has a unique MAC number located on the sticker on the device.