ADC-SEM110-PS-VZ Communication Failures

Start with power cycling the Entire System by removing a lead from the backup battery, and unplugging the power supply from the outlet in the wall. Leave it powered down for 20 seconds. RE-apply power. Once re-applied, do not touch Keypad or Power for 10-20 minutes so Startup and the required Syncing between Panel and the ADC-SEM110-PS-VZ can be completed. If this does not clear the issue, there may be other troubles between the Panel and ADC-SEM110-PS-VZ, and further troubleshooting with a GeoArm Certified Technician may be required. Please see picture below for a Visual Guide on Power Cycling your Panel. 



If Further assistance is required, please schedule a time to speak with a GeoArm Certified Technician here.