What Is SIA Limits

When enabled, the range for entry and exit delays is as follows:

-Entry delay: 30-240 seconds, Exit Delay: 45-254 seconds
- range for Dialer Delay is: 15 to 45 seconds

When disabled, the range for entry and exit delays are as follows:

 -Entry delay: 5 to 240 seconds, Exit delay: 5 to 254 seconds
- range for Dialer Delay is: 0 to 254 seconds

NOTE: For UL resi burg set entry delay to 45 sec
and exit delay to max 120 sec. For UL
Commercial Burg (UL2610) maximum entry and
exit delay should not exceed 60 sec.

NOTE: For ULC Security Level I (resi burg) set
entry delay to 180 sec. For ULC Security Level II
(commercial burg) set entry delay to 60 sec and
exit delay to 45 sec max.
