Confirmation of Arming Ding

1) Enter Installer Code on the panel while disarmed (Default 4112) + 800

2) You Will now see 20 INSTALLER CODE if that was the correct installer code.

3) Press *38

0 = no ding
1 = confirmation ding after arming
2 = confirmation ding after arming from
RF button or RF keypad only 

4) Press *99 After the screen updates to the next field to exit the programming

Note: GeoArm can change the installer code upon activation

Lynx Plus - Confirmation of arming is provided by a 1/2 second external sounder “ding”
that sounds when the closing report is sent or at the end of the exit delay. If Option 2 is selected
the external sounder “ding” occurs immediately after the system receives the RF
