Program the 5834-4 Arm Away Button

This video will show you how to program the Honeywell 5834-4 wireless key transmitter arm stay button into the Honeywell LYNX Plus L3000 wireless security system. To program the Honeywell 5834-4 from the home screen select 4112 800, *56, *, select available zone that pertains to the particular key transmitter you are using, arm stay is zone 26 in this application, *, zone type 21, *, 0, button type is 5, loop e3, press arm away button two times to learn in serial number, *, verify serial number, *, change zone description if needed, *, 00 * 99 to exit programming. Make sure to call GEOARM Security to test your Honeywell 5834-4 to make sure it is being used correctly.  

By adding the Honeywell 5834-4 wireless key transmitter to your Honeywell LYNX Plus L3000 wireless security system's programming you unlock some convenient features. The Honeywell 5834-4 features four buttons that can be programmed for individual control or can be paired for 2 button controls, which allows for 8 functions for multiple applications like arming, disarming, panics and more. The Honeywell 5834-4 comes programmed in high-security mode for an added layer of protection against cyber-attacks. The triple LED function gives indication that a signal was sent when the user selects a function, indicates if the wireless key is in high-security or normal mode, and notifies you of the battery status. The Honeywell 5834-4 wireless key transmitter buttons are recessed and include easy understanding icons to help alleviate false alarms