Does the Lyric Controller have Panic Buttons

Yes, the Honeywell Lyric Controller does have Panic Buttons. The Lyric Controller panic button is located below the touch screen. It has a Red Circle with an exclamation inside it. Press and hold this button for at least 4 seconds and, depending on zone programming, icons for Police, Fire, Medical, and/or Local will come up on the touch screen. Press the icon for the desired response. Keypad Panic zones are 995,996, 998, and 999.

If you want to access or change the settings of the Lyric panic buttons all  you have to do is from the home screen select Security > Tools > Enter your 4 digit installer code "default is 4112" > Program > Zones > Use the down arrow until you get to zone's 995 , 996 , 998 and 999.
