Does the Lyric Controller have Z-Wave Door Lock Control

Yes, the Honeywell Lyric Controller will support up to 6 Z-Wave door locks. The Lyric Controller has the ability to push user codes to the lock.

Users and Z-Wave door Lock Control - The panel can push user codes out to compatible Z-wave locks, in this way the codes in the Lock and the Panel will always match.This option only appears if your system’s Z-Wave feature is enabled.

Each user can be granted the ability to disarm the system by entering their code to open a Z-Wave lock.

To Activate this feature in the Lyric Controller Programming of user codes follow the steps below. 

1. When creating or editing a User:

2. Tap to set Z-Wave Lock Control to Yes. The Z-Wave Unlocking Door button appears.

3. Tap to select Disarm.

4. Tap Save. With this setting, entering a valid User code at any Z-wave door lock in the system unlocks the door and disarms the security system. If you select 'YES' for ANY User, then the panel will send those enabled codes out to the Lock, overwriting any codes in the lock so that it matches the panel.

From this point the panel will keep its user codes in sync with the Lock. 

NOTE: If this feature is used, codes can never be added directly to the Lock, they must be added to the panel to send to the Lock. Any codes added to Lock will be overwritten the next time the panel does a Sync.

The panel will also monitor the status of the battery in the Z-Wave lock. If the battery is low it will display a low batt icon on the Lock Control screen. 
