Is it Possible to Program the Lyric Controller Myself

Yes, it is possible for end users to program the Honeywell Lyric security system and controller themselves. The first thing you should know about DIY programming of the Lyric controller is you must have whats known as your 4 digit installer code. The Lyric installer code is necessary in order to DIY program. When we talk about Lyric controller programming we are talking about programming a SiXCT into the Lyric so when the SiXCT is triggered or activated it reacts in the way that you want. The same goes for all the rest of the Honeywell SiX series encrypted wireless sensors such as the SiXGB, SiXSMOKE, SiXSIREN, SiXFOB and SiXPIR. All of these Honeywell SiX series encrypted wireless sensors are able to be DIY programmed into the Lyric controller.


Keep in mind if you have had a professional installer or alarm monitoring company install your lyric controller there is a chance that they have introduced a Local Programming Lockout or change the default installer code. When this is activated the only way to DIY program or have another alarm company such as ourselves takeover your Honeywell Lyric controller you must have your current company remotely remove the local programming lockout or the Lyric controller itself will have to be replaced. *AlarmClub never attaches a local programming lockout to your system in any shape or form.

If you want to attempt DIY programming of the Lyric controller from the home screen select Security > Tools > Enter the 4 digit installer code "default is 4112" > from there you should see another screen populate with Program, Test and Events > if you don't see this menu populate this means they have changed the installer code from default or applied the local programming lockout to your Lyric security system > If you do see this menu select Program > Zones > now you can manipulate the zones to your liking DIY! 

*Make sure that if you do make changes to the Lyric controller that you call your current alarm monitoring company to update them on this information and have them test the signals of the Lyric security system to make sure the signals are communicating correctly