Connecting Keypads - Connecting Addressable Devices

Connect keypads and other addressable devices (4204, 4219, 4229, 4286, 5881, LRR, etc.) to the control’s keypad terminals as shown on the Summary of Connections diagram. The system supports up to 8 keypads, which can be assigned to partitions in any combination (see program fields *190-*196). 

Using Terminals:

4 - Ground

5 - Positive

6 - Data In (Typically a green wire)

7 - Data Out (Typically a Yellow wire)


- Use the Table of Device Addresses to determine the appropriate address for each device.

- Determine wire size using the Wire Run Chart on the following page. For single 4-wire
runs, determine the current drawn by all units, then refer to the Wiring Run chart to
determine the maximum length that can be safely used for each wire size.

- Each keypad must be assigned a unique, predefined address, from 16 to
23. The first keypad is address 16 (default = partition 1, all sounds enabled) 

- Touch screen keypads must be on 1, 5, or 6

- 2 is the default virtual keypad address

Installation Manual For More Information:
